Dear Readers! ‘BOODHA BARGAD’, is the book of collection of poems (Geet-Kavya Sangrah) composed an Eminent Poet, Writer, Singer and motivational speaker Mr. Arjun Kumar Gupta, on different aspects of social, political and spiritual life of Human being. It reminds us about the ancient and cultural heritages of India. It provides the glimpses of India’s rich vedic culture and legacy. It contains prayers, songs of devotional tastes. It sings for the environment along with safety and security of nature. It also focuses upon the different social and political issues prevailed in India and many more topics which can take readers on a journey to the infinitive depth of worldly Oceans. Many songs of this collection are full of a lots of enthusiams and motivational teachings that can build the characters of man. These collections make the readers feel proud of their Past, face struggle of the present and prepare for the future.
Hope, the readers would get stuck once they start reading the songs under the title; ‘BOODHA BARGAD’. Awating your responces and support that might boost me up for the next creations. Yours Ever, Arjun Kumar Gupts. Thank you all. Jai Hind! Vande Mataram!! Bharat Mata ki Jai!!!🙏🙏🙏
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